Argon RTOS  1.3.0
Tiny embedded real-time kernel
+ Collaboration diagram for Mutexes:


Mutex API.


struct  ar_mutex_t
 Mutex. More...
class  Ar::Mutex::Guard
 Utility class to automatically get and put a mutex. More...
class  Ar::Mutex
 Mutex object. More...


ar_status_t ar_mutex_create (ar_mutex_t *mutex, const char *name)
 Create a new mutex object. More...
ar_status_t ar_mutex_delete (ar_mutex_t *mutex)
 Delete a mutex. More...
ar_status_t ar_mutex_get (ar_mutex_t *mutex, uint32_t timeout)
 Lock the mutex. More...
ar_status_t ar_mutex_put (ar_mutex_t *mutex)
 Unlock the mutex. More...
bool ar_mutex_is_locked (ar_mutex_t *mutex)
 Returns whether the mutex is currently locked. More...
ar_thread_t * ar_mutex_get_owner (ar_mutex_t *mutex)
 Returns the current owning thread, if there is one. More...
const char * ar_mutex_get_name (ar_mutex_t *mutex)
 Get the mutex's name. More...

Class Documentation

◆ ar_mutex_t

struct ar_mutex_t
+ Collaboration diagram for ar_mutex_t:
Class Members
ar_list_t m_blockedList List of threads blocked on the mutex.
const char * m_name Name of the mutex.
uint8_t m_originalPriority Original priority of the owner thread before its priority was raised.
volatile ar_thread_t * m_owner Current owner thread of the mutex.
volatile unsigned m_ownerLockCount Number of times the owner thread has locked the mutex.

Function Documentation

◆ ar_mutex_create()

ar_status_t ar_mutex_create ( ar_mutex_t mutex,
const char *  name 

Create a new mutex object.

The mutex starts out unlocked.

mutexPointer to storage for the mutex.
nameThe name of the mutex.
Return values

◆ ar_mutex_delete()

ar_status_t ar_mutex_delete ( ar_mutex_t mutex)

Delete a mutex.

mutexPointer to the mutex to delete.
Return values

◆ ar_mutex_get()

ar_status_t ar_mutex_get ( ar_mutex_t mutex,
uint32_t  timeout 

Lock the mutex.

Mutexes are recursive, meaning that one thread can lock a mutex more than once when it already owns the lock. In this case, an internal count is incremented to track the number of times the owning thread has locked the mutex. The owner must make a matching number of calls to put in order to actually release the lock. Thus, a thread can lock a mutex any number of times as long as there are matching get() and put() calls.

Mutexes implement priority inheritance. If a given thread attempts to lock a mutex that is currently owned by a thread of lower priority, the lock owner thread has its priority boosted to that of the highest priority thread waiting to grab the lock.

mutexPointer to the mutex.
timeoutThe maximum number of milliseconds that the caller is willing to wait in a blocked state before the lock can be obtained. If this value is 0, or kArNoTimeout, then this method will return immediately if the lock cannot be obtained. Setting the timeout to kArInfiniteTimeout will cause the thread to wait forever for a chance to get the lock.
Return values
kArSuccessThe mutex was obtained without error.
kArTimeoutErrorThe specified amount of time has elapsed before the mutex could be obtained.
kArObjectDeletedErrorAnother thread deleted the mutex while the caller was blocked on it.

◆ ar_mutex_get_name()

const char* ar_mutex_get_name ( ar_mutex_t mutex)

Get the mutex's name.

mutexPointer to the mutex.

◆ ar_mutex_get_owner()

ar_thread_t* ar_mutex_get_owner ( ar_mutex_t mutex)

Returns the current owning thread, if there is one.

mutexPointer to the mutex.

◆ ar_mutex_is_locked()

bool ar_mutex_is_locked ( ar_mutex_t mutex)

Returns whether the mutex is currently locked.

mutexPointer to the mutex.

◆ ar_mutex_put()

ar_status_t ar_mutex_put ( ar_mutex_t mutex)

Unlock the mutex.

Only the owning thread is allowed to unlock the mutex. If the owning thread has called get() multiple times, it must also call put() the same number of time before the lock is actually released. It is illegal to call put() when the mutex is not owned by the calling thread.

If the owning thread had its priority boosted due to priority inheritance, then its priority will be restored to the original value.

Execution will transition to the highest priority thread blocked on the mutex. This is likely to happen even before ar_mutex_put() returns. If there are no threads of higher priority waiting for the mutex, then no context change is performed.

mutexPointer to the mutex.
Return values
kArAlreadyUnlockedErrorThe mutex is not locked.
kArNotOwnerErrorThe caller is not the thread that owns the mutex.