Argon RTOS  1.3.0
Tiny embedded real-time kernel
Run Loops
+ Collaboration diagram for Run Loops:


Run loop API.


struct  ar_runloop_t
 Run loop. More...
union  ar_runloop_result_t
 Run loop result. More...
class  Ar::RunLoop
 Run loop. More...


ar_status_t ar_runloop_create (ar_runloop_t *runloop, const char *name)
 Create a new runloop. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_delete (ar_runloop_t *runloop)
 Destroy a runloop. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_run (ar_runloop_t *runloop, uint32_t timeout, ar_runloop_result_t *object)
 Run a runloop for a period of time. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_stop (ar_runloop_t *runloop)
 Stop a runloop. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_perform (ar_runloop_t *runloop, ar_runloop_function_t function, void *param)
 Invoke a function on a runloop. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_signal (ar_runloop_t *runloop, uint32_t signal)
 Send a signal to a runloop. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_add_timer (ar_runloop_t *runloop, ar_timer_t *timer)
 Associate a timer with a runloop. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_add_queue (ar_runloop_t *runloop, ar_queue_t *queue, ar_runloop_queue_handler_t callback, void *param)
 Add a queue to a runloop. More...
ar_runloop_t * ar_runloop_get_current (void)
 Return the current runloop. More...
const char * ar_runloop_get_name (ar_runloop_t *runloop)
 Return the runloop's name. More...

Class Documentation

◆ ar_runloop_result_t

union ar_runloop_result_t
Class Members
ar_queue_t * m_queue Queue that received an item.
uint32_t m_signal Value of received signal.

Function Documentation

◆ ar_runloop_add_queue()

ar_status_t ar_runloop_add_queue ( ar_runloop_t *  runloop,
ar_queue_t *  queue,
ar_runloop_queue_handler_t  callback,
void *  param 

Add a queue to a runloop.

If the queue is already associated with another runloop, the kArAlreadyAttachedError error is returned.

runloopPointer to the runloop.
queueThe queue to associate with the runloop.
callbackOptional callback to handler an item received on the queue. May be NULL.
paramArbitrary parameter passed to the callback when it is called.
Return values
kArSuccessThe queue was added to the runloop.
kArAlreadyAttachedErrorA queue can only be added to one runloop at a time.
kArInvalidParameterErrorThe runloop or queue parameter was NULL.

◆ ar_runloop_add_timer()

ar_status_t ar_runloop_add_timer ( ar_runloop_t *  runloop,
ar_timer_t *  timer 

Associate a timer with a runloop.

If the timer is already associated with another runloop, its association will be changed.

runloopPointer to the runloop.
timerThe timer to associate with the runloop.
Return values
kArSuccessThe timer was added to the runloop.
kArInvalidParameterErrorThe runloop or timer parameter was NULL.

◆ ar_runloop_create()

ar_status_t ar_runloop_create ( ar_runloop_t *  runloop,
const char *  name 

Create a new runloop.

A new runloop is not associated with any thread. This association will happen when the runloop is run.

runloopPointer to storage for the new runloop.
nameThe name of the runloop. May be NULL.
Return values
kArSuccessThe runloop was created successfully.
kArInvalidParameterErrorThe runloop parameter was NULL.
kArNotFromInterruptErrorCannot call this API from interrupt context.

◆ ar_runloop_delete()

ar_status_t ar_runloop_delete ( ar_runloop_t *  runloop)

Destroy a runloop.

The runloop must be stopped prior to deleting it.

runloopPointer to the runloop to delete.
Return values
kArSuccessThe runloop was deleted successfully.
kArInvalidStateErrorCannot delete a runloop while it is running.
kArInvalidParameterErrorThe runloop parameter was NULL.
kArNotFromInterruptErrorCannot call this API from interrupt context.

◆ ar_runloop_get_current()

ar_runloop_t* ar_runloop_get_current ( void  )

Return the current runloop.

The runloop currently running on the active thread. If no runloop is running, then NULL will be returned.

◆ ar_runloop_get_name()

const char* ar_runloop_get_name ( ar_runloop_t *  runloop)

Return the runloop's name.

runloopPointer to the runloop.
The name of the provided runloop, or NULL if no runloop was passed.

◆ ar_runloop_perform()

ar_status_t ar_runloop_perform ( ar_runloop_t *  runloop,
ar_runloop_function_t  function,
void *  param 

Invoke a function on a runloop.

The function will be called in FIFO order the next time the runloop runs. If the runloop is asleep, it will be woken and run immediately.

This API can be called from any execution context.

runloopPointer to the runloop.
functionThe function to invoke on the runloop.
paramArbitrary parameter passed to the function when it is called.
Return values
kArSuccessThe runloop was stopped, or was already stopped.
kArInvalidParameterErrorThe runloop or function parameter was NULL.
kArQueueFullErrorNo room to enqueue the function.

◆ ar_runloop_run()

ar_status_t ar_runloop_run ( ar_runloop_t *  runloop,
uint32_t  timeout,
ar_runloop_result_t object 

Run a runloop for a period of time.

Starts the runloop running for a specified amount of time. It will sleep the thread until an associated timer or source is pending. If the timeout expires, the API will return. To force the runloop to exit, call ar_runloop_stop().

It's ok to nest runs of the runloop, but only on a single thread.

If a queue is associated with the runloop (via ar_runloop_add_queue()) and the queue receives an item, then the runloop will either invoke the queue handler callback or exit. If it exits, it will return kArRunLoopQueueReceived and the object parameter will be filled in with the queue object that received the item. If object is NULL, then the runloop will still exit but you cannot tell which queue received. This is acceptable if only one queue is associated with the runloop.

runloopThe runloop object.
timeoutThe maximum number of milliseconds to run the runloop. If this value is 0, or kArNoTimeout, then the call will exit after handling pending sources. Setting the timeout to kArInfiniteTimeout will cause the runloop to run until stopped or a queue receives an item.
[out]objectOptional structure that will be filled in when the return value is kArRunLoopQueueReceived. May be NULL, in which case the receiving queue cannot be indicated.
Return values
kArRunLoopStoppedThe runloop exited due to a timeout or explict call to ar_runloop_stop().
kArRunLoopQueueReceivedA queue associated with the runloop received an item.
kArTimeoutErrorThe runloop timed out.
kArInvalidParameterErrorInvalid parameter was provided.
kArRunLoopAlreadyRunningErrorThe runloop is already running on another thread, or another runloop is already running on the current thread.
kArNotFromInterruptErrorCannot run a runloop from interrupt context.

◆ ar_runloop_signal()

ar_status_t ar_runloop_signal ( ar_runloop_t *  runloop,
uint32_t  signal 

Send a signal to a runloop.

This API can be called from any execution context.

runloopPointer to the runloop.
signalThe signal value.
Return values
kArSuccessThe signal was sent successfully.
kArInvalidParameterErrorThe runloop parameter was NULL.

◆ ar_runloop_stop()

ar_status_t ar_runloop_stop ( ar_runloop_t *  runloop)

Stop a runloop.

Use this function to stop a running runloop. It may be called from any execution context, including from within the runloop itself, another thread, or interrupt context. When the runloop stops, it will return kArRunLoopStopped from the ar_runloop_run() API. If multiple runs of the runloop are nested, only the innermost will be stopped. If the runloop is calling out to a perform function or a handler callback, it will only be stopped when the callback returns.

runloopPointer to the runloop.
Return values
kArSuccessThe runloop was stopped, or was already stopped.
kArInvalidParameterErrorThe runloop parameter was NULL.