Argon RTOS  1.3.0
Tiny embedded real-time kernel
ar_timer_t Struct Reference

#include <ar_kernel.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for ar_timer_t:



Public Attributes

ar_list_node_t m_activeNode
 Node for the list of active timers.
ar_timer_entry_t m_callback
 Timer expiration callback.
uint32_t m_delay
 Delay in ticks.
bool m_isActive
 Whether the timer is running and on the active timers list.
bool m_isRunning
 Whether the timer callback is executing.
ar_timer_mode_t m_mode
 One-shot or periodic mode.
const char * m_name
 Name of the timer.
void * m_param
 Arbitrary parameter for the callback.
ar_runloop_t * m_runLoop
 Runloop to which the timer is bound.
uint32_t m_wakeupTime
 Expiration time in ticks.