Argon RTOS  1.3.0
Tiny embedded real-time kernel
Ar::Thread Class Reference

#include <ar_classes.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ar::Thread:


Preemptive thread class.

This thread class implements a preemptive thread with variable priority.

Threads may be allocated either globally or with the new operator. You can also allocate a thread locally, but you must be careful to keep the stack valid as long as the thread is running. There are two options for initialization. Either use one of the non-default constructors, or use the default constructor and call an init() method at some later point. Both the constructors and init methods take the same arguments. They accept a name, entry point, stack, and priority.

The entry point can be a global or static function that matches the ar_thread_entry_t prototype. Alternatively, there are constructor and init() variants that let you use a member function of a specific object as the entry point.

The init() method leaves the new thread suspended. To make the new thread eligible to run you must call the resume() method on it.

+ Collaboration diagram for Ar::Thread:

Public Member Functions

 Thread ()
 Default constructor.
 Thread (const char *name, ar_thread_entry_t entry, void *param, void *stack, unsigned stackSize, uint8_t priority, bool startImmediately=true)
 Constructor. More...
template<class T >
 Thread (const char *name, T *object, void(T::*entry)(), void *stack, unsigned stackSize, uint8_t priority, bool startImmediately=true)
 Constructor to set the thread entry to a member function. More...
 Thread (const char *name, ar_thread_entry_t entry, void *param, unsigned stackSize, uint8_t priority, bool startImmediately=true)
 Constructor to dynamically allocate the stack. More...
template<class T >
 Thread (const char *name, T *object, void(T::*entry)(), unsigned stackSize, uint8_t priority, bool startImmediately=true)
 Constructor to set the thread entry to a member function, using a dynamic stack. More...
virtual ~Thread ()
const char * getName () const
 Get the thread's name.
Thread init and cleanup
ar_status_t init (const char *name, ar_thread_entry_t entry, void *param, void *stack, unsigned stackSize, uint8_t priority, bool startImmediately=true)
 Base initialiser. More...
template<class T >
ar_status_t init (const char *name, T *object, void(T::*entry)(), void *stack, unsigned stackSize, uint8_t priority, bool startImmediately=true)
 Initializer to set the thread entry to a member function. More...
Thread priority

Accessors for the thread's priority.

uint8_t getPriority () const
 Return the thread's current priority.
ar_status_t setPriority (uint8_t priority)
 Change the thread's priority. More...
uint32_t getLoad ()
 Get the thread's system load.
uint32_t getStackUsed ()
 Get the thread's maximum stack usage.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ar_thread_t
void block (ar_list_t &blockedList, uint32_t timeout)
void unblockWithStatus (ar_list_t &blockedList, ar_status_t unblockStatus)

Static Public Member Functions


Static members to get system-wide information.

static ThreadgetCurrent ()
 Returns the currently running thread object.

Protected Member Functions

ar_status_t initForMemberFunction (const char *name, void *object, ar_thread_entry_t entry, void *memberPointer, uint32_t memberPointerSize, void *stack, unsigned stackSize, uint8_t priority, bool startImmediately)
 Special init method to deal with member functions.
virtual void threadEntry (void *param)
 Virtual thread entry point. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

template<class T >
static void member_thread_entry (void *param)
 Template function to invoke a thread entry point that is a member function.
static void thread_entry (void *param)
 Static thread entry callback to invoke the virtual method.

Protected Attributes

uint8_t * m_allocatedStack
 Dynamically allocated stack.
ar_thread_entry_t m_userEntry
 User-specified thread entry point function.

Thread state

Control of and access to the thread state.

void suspend ()
 Put thread in suspended state. More...
void resume ()
 Make the thread eligible for execution. More...
ar_thread_state_t getState () const
 Return the current state of the thread.
static void sleep (unsigned milliseconds)
 Put the current thread to sleep for a certain amount of time. More...
static void sleepUntil (unsigned wakeup)
 Put the current thread to sleep until a specific time. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from ar_thread_t
ar_list_node_t m_blockedNode
 Blocked list node.
void * m_channelData
 Receive or send data pointer for blocked channel.
ar_thread_entry_t m_entry
 Function pointer for the thread's entry point.
const char * m_name
 Thread name.
ar_thread_port_data_t m_portData
 Port-specific thread data.
uint8_t m_priority
 Thread priority. 0 is the lowest priority.
ar_runloop_t * m_runLoop
 Run loop associated with this thread.
uint32_t * m_stackBottom
 Beginning of stack.
volatile uint8_t * m_stackPointer
 Current stack pointer.
uint32_t * m_stackTop
 Saved stack top address for computing stack usage.
ar_thread_state_t m_state
 Current thread state.
ar_list_node_t m_threadNode
 Main thread list node.
ar_status_t m_unblockStatus
 Status code to return from a blocking function upon unblocking.
uint32_t m_uniqueId
 Unique ID for this thread.
uint32_t m_wakeupTime
 Tick count when a sleeping thread will awaken.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Thread() [1/4]

Ar::Thread::Thread ( const char *  name,
ar_thread_entry_t  entry,
void *  param,
void *  stack,
unsigned  stackSize,
uint8_t  priority,
bool  startImmediately = true 


nameName of the thread. If NULL, the thread's name is set to an empty string.
entryThread entry point taking one parameter and returning void.
paramArbitrary pointer-sized value passed as the single parameter to the thread entry point.
stackPointer to the start of the thread's stack. This should be the stack's bottom, not it's top. If this parameter is NULL, the stack will be dynamically allocated.
stackSizeNumber of bytes of stack space allocated to the thread. This value is added to stack to get the initial top of stack address.
priorityThread priority. The accepted range is 1 through 255. Priority 0 is reserved for the idle thread.
startImmediatelyWhether the new thread will start to run automatically. If false, the thread will be created in a suspended state. The constants kArStartThread and kArSuspendThread can be used to better document this parameter value.

◆ Thread() [2/4]

template<class T >
Ar::Thread::Thread ( const char *  name,
T *  object,
void(T::*)()  entry,
void *  stack,
unsigned  stackSize,
uint8_t  priority,
bool  startImmediately = true 

Constructor to set the thread entry to a member function.

nameName of the thread. If NULL, the thread's name is set to an empty string.
objectPointer to an instance of class T upon which the entry member function will be invoked when the thread is started.
entryMember function of class T that will be used as the thread's entry point. The member function must take no parameters and return void.
stackPointer to the start of the thread's stack. This should be the stack's bottom, not it's top. If this parameter is NULL, the stack will be dynamically allocated.
stackSizeNumber of bytes of stack space allocated to the thread. This value is added to stack to get the initial top of stack address.
priorityThread priority. The accepted range is 1 through 255. Priority 0 is reserved for the idle thread.
startImmediatelyWhether the new thread will start to run automatically. If false, the thread will be created in a suspended state. The constants kArStartThread and kArSuspendThread can be used to better document this parameter value.

◆ Thread() [3/4]

Ar::Thread::Thread ( const char *  name,
ar_thread_entry_t  entry,
void *  param,
unsigned  stackSize,
uint8_t  priority,
bool  startImmediately = true 

Constructor to dynamically allocate the stack.

nameName of the thread. If NULL, the thread's name is set to an empty string.
entryThread entry point taking one parameter and returning void.
paramArbitrary pointer-sized value passed as the single parameter to the thread entry point.
stackSizeNumber of bytes of stack space to allocate via new to the thread.
priorityThread priority. The accepted range is 1 through 255. Priority 0 is reserved for the idle thread.
startImmediatelyWhether the new thread will start to run automatically. If false, the thread will be created in a suspended state. The constants kArStartThread and kArSuspendThread can be used to better document this parameter value.

◆ Thread() [4/4]

template<class T >
Ar::Thread::Thread ( const char *  name,
T *  object,
void(T::*)()  entry,
unsigned  stackSize,
uint8_t  priority,
bool  startImmediately = true 

Constructor to set the thread entry to a member function, using a dynamic stack.

nameName of the thread. If NULL, the thread's name is set to an empty string.
objectPointer to an instance of class T upon which the entry member function will be invoked when the thread is started.
entryMember function of class T that will be used as the thread's entry point. The member function must take no parameters and return void.
stackSizeNumber of bytes of stack space to allocate via new to the thread.
priorityThread priority. The accepted range is 1 through 255. Priority 0 is reserved for the idle thread.
startImmediatelyWhether the new thread will start to run automatically. If false, the thread will be created in a suspended state. The constants kArStartThread and kArSuspendThread can be used to better document this parameter value.

Member Function Documentation

◆ init() [1/2]

ar_status_t Ar::Thread::init ( const char *  name,
ar_thread_entry_t  entry,
void *  param,
void *  stack,
unsigned  stackSize,
uint8_t  priority,
bool  startImmediately = true 

Base initialiser.

The thread is in suspended state when this method exits. To make it eligible for execution, call the resume() method.

nameName of the thread. If NULL, the thread's name is set to an empty string.
entryThread entry point taking one parameter and returning void.
paramArbitrary pointer-sized value passed as the single parameter to the thread entry point.
stackPointer to the start of the thread's stack. This should be the stack's bottom, not it's top. If this parameter is NULL, the stack will be dynamically allocated.
stackSizeNumber of bytes of stack space allocated to the thread. This value is added to stack to get the initial top of stack address.
priorityThread priority. The accepted range is 1 through 255. Priority 0 is reserved for the idle thread.
startImmediatelyWhether the new thread will start to run automatically. If false, the thread will be created in a suspended state. The constants kArStartThread and kArSuspendThread can be used to better document this parameter value.
Return values
kArSuccessThe thread was initialised without error.
kArOutOfMemoryErrorFailed to dynamically allocate the stack.

◆ init() [2/2]

template<class T >
ar_status_t Ar::Thread::init ( const char *  name,
T *  object,
void(T::*)()  entry,
void *  stack,
unsigned  stackSize,
uint8_t  priority,
bool  startImmediately = true 

Initializer to set the thread entry to a member function.

nameName of the thread. If NULL, the thread's name is set to an empty string.
objectPointer to an instance of class T upon which the entry member function will be invoked when the thread is started.
entryMember function of class T that will be used as the thread's entry point. The member function must take no parameters and return void.
stackPointer to the start of the thread's stack. This should be the stack's bottom, not it's top. If this parameter is NULL, the stack will be dynamically allocated.
stackSizeNumber of bytes of stack space allocated to the thread. This value is added to stack to get the initial top of stack address.
priorityThread priority. The accepted range is 1 through 255. Priority 0 is reserved for the idle thread.
startImmediatelyWhether the new thread will start to run automatically. If false, the thread will be created in a suspended state. The constants kArStartThread and kArSuspendThread can be used to better document this parameter value.
Return values
kArSuccessThe thread was initialised without error.
kArOutOfMemoryErrorFailed to dynamically allocate the stack.

◆ resume()

void Ar::Thread::resume ( )

Make the thread eligible for execution.

If the thread being resumed has a higher priority than that of the current thread, the scheduler is called to immediately switch threads. In this case the thread being resumed will always become the new current thread. This is because the highest priority thread is always guaranteed to be running, meaning the calling thread was the previous highest priority thread.

Does not enter the scheduler if Ar is not running. Does nothing if the thread is already on the ready list.

Deal with all thread states properly.

◆ setPriority()

ar_status_t Ar::Thread::setPriority ( uint8_t  priority)

Change the thread's priority.

The scheduler is invoked after the priority is set so that the current thread can be changed to the one with the highest priority. The scheduler is invoked even if there is no new highest priority thread. In this case, control may switch to the next thread with the same priority, assuming there is one.

Does not enter the scheduler if Ar is not running.

priorityThread priority level from 1 to 255, where lower numbers have a lower priority. Priority number 0 is not allowed because it is reserved for the idle thread.
Return values

◆ sleep()

static void Ar::Thread::sleep ( unsigned  milliseconds)

Put the current thread to sleep for a certain amount of time.

Does nothing if Ar is not running.

millisecondsThe number of milliseconds to sleep the calling thread. A sleep time of 0 is ignored.

◆ sleepUntil()

static void Ar::Thread::sleepUntil ( unsigned  wakeup)

Put the current thread to sleep until a specific time.

Does nothing if Ar is not running.

wakeupThe wakeup time in milliseconds. If the time is not in the future, i.e., less than or equal to the current value returned by ar_get_millisecond_count(), then the sleep request is ignored.

◆ suspend()

void Ar::Thread::suspend ( )

Put thread in suspended state.

If this method is called from the current thread then the scheduler is entered immediately after putting the thread on the suspended list. Calling suspend() on another thread will not cause the scheduler to switch threads.

Does not enter the scheduler if Ar is not running. Does nothing if the thread is already suspended.

Deal with all thread states properly.

◆ threadEntry()

virtual void Ar::Thread::threadEntry ( void *  param)

Virtual thread entry point.

This is the method that subclasses should override.