Argon RTOS  1.3.0
Tiny embedded real-time kernel
ar_kernel.h File Reference

Header for the Argon RTOS C API. More...

#include "ar_port.h"
#include "ar_config.h"
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struct  ar_channel_t
 Channel. More...
struct  ar_list_node_t
 Linked list node. More...
struct  ar_queue_t
 Queue. More...
struct  ar_runloop_t
 Run loop. More...
struct  ar_runloop_t::_ar_runloop_function_info
struct  ar_thread_t
 Thread. More...
struct  ar_timer_t
 Timer. More...
struct  ar_list_t
 Linked list. More...
struct  ar_mutex_t
 Mutex. More...
union  ar_runloop_result_t
 Run loop result. More...
struct  ar_semaphore_t
 Counting semaphore. More...
struct  ar_thread_status_t
 Current status of a thread. More...


#define AR_VERSION
 Current version of Argon (v1.3.0).


Function types
typedef bool(* ar_sort_predicate_t) (ar_list_node_t *a, ar_list_node_t *b)
 Function type used for sorting object lists.
typedef void(* ar_thread_entry_t) (void *param)
 Prototype for the thread entry point. More...
typedef void(* ar_timer_entry_t) (ar_timer_t *timer, void *param)
 Callback routine for timer expiration. More...
typedef void(* ar_runloop_function_t) (void *param)
typedef void(* ar_runloop_queue_handler_t) (ar_queue_t *queue, void *param)
typedef void(* ar_runloop_channel_handler_t) (ar_channel_t *channel, void *param)


enum  _ar_thread_priorities {
 Range of priorities for threads. More...
enum  _ar_thread_start {
 Options for creating a new thread. More...
enum  _ar_timeouts {
 Timeout constants. More...
enum  ar_status_t {
 Argon status and error codes. More...
enum  ar_thread_state_t {
 Potential thread states. More...
enum  ar_timer_mode_t {
 Modes of operation for timers. More...


void ar_kernel_run (void)
 Start the kernel running. More...
bool ar_kernel_is_running (void)
 Returns whether the kernel is running or not.
uint32_t ar_get_system_load (void)
 Returns the current system load. More...
ar_status_t ar_thread_create (ar_thread_t *thread, const char *name, ar_thread_entry_t entry, void *param, void *stack, unsigned stackSize, uint8_t priority, bool startImmediately)
 Create a new thread. More...
ar_status_t ar_thread_delete (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Delete a thread. More...
ar_status_t ar_thread_suspend (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Put thread in suspended state. More...
ar_status_t ar_thread_resume (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Make the thread eligible for execution. More...
ar_thread_state_t ar_thread_get_state (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Return the current state of the thread. More...
uint8_t ar_thread_get_priority (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Return the thread's current priority. More...
ar_status_t ar_thread_set_priority (ar_thread_t *thread, uint8_t newPriority)
 Change a thread's priority. More...
ar_thread_t * ar_thread_get_current (void)
 Returns the currently running thread object. More...
ar_runloop_t * ar_thread_get_runloop (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Get the runloop currently associated with the given thread. More...
void ar_thread_sleep (uint32_t milliseconds)
 Put the current thread to sleep for a certain amount of time. More...
void ar_thread_sleep_until (uint32_t wakeup)
 Put the current thread to sleep until a specific time. More...
const char * ar_thread_get_name (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Get the thread's name. More...
uint32_t ar_thread_get_load (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Get the amount of CPU time the thread is using. More...
uint32_t ar_thread_get_stack_used (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Get the maximum stack usage of the specified thread. More...
uint32_t ar_thread_get_report (ar_thread_status_t report[], uint32_t maxEntries)
 Get a report of all thread's status. More...
ar_status_t ar_semaphore_create (ar_semaphore_t *sem, const char *name, unsigned count)
 Create a new semaphore. More...
ar_status_t ar_semaphore_delete (ar_semaphore_t *sem)
 Delete a semaphore. More...
ar_status_t ar_semaphore_get (ar_semaphore_t *sem, uint32_t timeout)
 Acquire the semaphore. More...
ar_status_t ar_semaphore_put (ar_semaphore_t *sem)
 Release the semaphore. More...
uint32_t ar_semaphore_get_count (ar_semaphore_t *sem)
 Returns the current semaphore count. More...
const char * ar_semaphore_get_name (ar_semaphore_t *sem)
 Get the semaphore's name. More...
ar_status_t ar_mutex_create (ar_mutex_t *mutex, const char *name)
 Create a new mutex object. More...
ar_status_t ar_mutex_delete (ar_mutex_t *mutex)
 Delete a mutex. More...
ar_status_t ar_mutex_get (ar_mutex_t *mutex, uint32_t timeout)
 Lock the mutex. More...
ar_status_t ar_mutex_put (ar_mutex_t *mutex)
 Unlock the mutex. More...
bool ar_mutex_is_locked (ar_mutex_t *mutex)
 Returns whether the mutex is currently locked. More...
ar_thread_t * ar_mutex_get_owner (ar_mutex_t *mutex)
 Returns the current owning thread, if there is one. More...
const char * ar_mutex_get_name (ar_mutex_t *mutex)
 Get the mutex's name. More...
ar_status_t ar_channel_create (ar_channel_t *channel, const char *name, uint32_t width)
 Create a new channel. More...
ar_status_t ar_channel_delete (ar_channel_t *channel)
 Delete an existing channel. More...
ar_status_t ar_channel_send (ar_channel_t *channel, const void *value, uint32_t timeout)
 Send to a channel. More...
ar_status_t ar_channel_receive (ar_channel_t *channel, void *value, uint32_t timeout)
 Receive from a channel. More...
const char * ar_channel_get_name (ar_channel_t *channel)
 Get a channel's name. More...
ar_status_t ar_queue_create (ar_queue_t *queue, const char *name, void *storage, unsigned elementSize, unsigned capacity)
 Create a new queue. More...
ar_status_t ar_queue_delete (ar_queue_t *queue)
 Delete an existing queue. More...
ar_status_t ar_queue_send (ar_queue_t *queue, const void *element, uint32_t timeout)
 Add an item to the queue. More...
ar_status_t ar_queue_receive (ar_queue_t *queue, void *element, uint32_t timeout)
 Remove an item from the queue. More...
bool ar_queue_is_empty (ar_queue_t *queue)
 Returns whether the queue is currently empty. More...
uint32_t ar_queue_get_count (ar_queue_t *queue)
 Returns the current number of elements in the queue. More...
const char * ar_queue_get_name (ar_queue_t *queue)
 Get the queue's name. More...
ar_status_t ar_timer_create (ar_timer_t *timer, const char *name, ar_timer_entry_t callback, void *param, ar_timer_mode_t timerMode, uint32_t delay)
 Create a new timer. More...
ar_status_t ar_timer_delete (ar_timer_t *timer)
 Delete a timer. More...
ar_status_t ar_timer_start (ar_timer_t *timer)
 Start the timer running. More...
ar_status_t ar_timer_stop (ar_timer_t *timer)
 Stop the timer. More...
bool ar_timer_is_active (ar_timer_t *timer)
 Returns whether the timer is currently running. More...
ar_status_t ar_timer_set_delay (ar_timer_t *timer, uint32_t newDelay)
 Adjust the timer's delay. More...
uint32_t ar_timer_get_delay (ar_timer_t *timer)
 Get the current delay for the timer. More...
const char * ar_timer_get_name (ar_timer_t *timer)
 Get the timer's name. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_create (ar_runloop_t *runloop, const char *name)
 Create a new runloop. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_delete (ar_runloop_t *runloop)
 Destroy a runloop. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_run (ar_runloop_t *runloop, uint32_t timeout, ar_runloop_result_t *object)
 Run a runloop for a period of time. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_stop (ar_runloop_t *runloop)
 Stop a runloop. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_perform (ar_runloop_t *runloop, ar_runloop_function_t function, void *param)
 Invoke a function on a runloop. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_signal (ar_runloop_t *runloop, uint32_t signal)
 Send a signal to a runloop. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_add_timer (ar_runloop_t *runloop, ar_timer_t *timer)
 Associate a timer with a runloop. More...
ar_status_t ar_runloop_add_queue (ar_runloop_t *runloop, ar_queue_t *queue, ar_runloop_queue_handler_t callback, void *param)
 Add a queue to a runloop. More...
ar_runloop_t * ar_runloop_get_current (void)
 Return the current runloop. More...
const char * ar_runloop_get_name (ar_runloop_t *runloop)
 Return the runloop's name. More...
uint32_t ar_get_tick_count (void)
 Return the current time in ticks.
uint32_t ar_get_millisecond_count (void)
 Return the current time in milliseconds. More...
uint64_t ar_get_microseconds ()
 Get a microsecond timestamp. More...
uint32_t ar_get_milliseconds_per_tick (void)
 Get the number of milliseconds per tick.
static uint32_t ar_ticks_to_milliseconds (uint32_t ticks)
 Convert ticks to milliseconds.
static uint32_t ar_milliseconds_to_ticks (uint32_t milliseconds)
 Convert milliseconds to ticks.
Atomic operations
int8_t ar_atomic_add8 (volatile int8_t *value, int8_t delta)
 Atomic 8-bit add operation. More...
int16_t ar_atomic_add16 (volatile int16_t *value, int16_t delta)
 Atomic 16-bit add operation. More...
int32_t ar_atomic_add32 (volatile int32_t *value, int32_t delta)
 Atomic 32-bit add operation. More...
bool ar_atomic_cas8 (volatile int8_t *value, int8_t expectedValue, int8_t newValue)
 Atomic 8-bit compare and swap operation. More...
bool ar_atomic_cas16 (volatile int16_t *value, int16_t expectedValue, int16_t newValue)
 Atomic 16-bit compare and swap operation. More...
bool ar_atomic_cas32 (volatile int32_t *value, int32_t expectedValue, int32_t newValue)
 Atomic 32-bit compare and swap operation. More...

Detailed Description

Header for the Argon RTOS C API.

Class Documentation

◆ _ar_runloop::_ar_runloop_function_info

struct _ar_runloop::_ar_runloop_function_info
Class Members
ar_runloop_function_t function The callback function pointer.
void * param User parameter passed to the callback.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _ar_thread_start

Options for creating a new thread.

These constants are meant to be used for the startImmediately parameter.


Automatically run the thread.


Create the thread suspended.