Argon RTOS  1.3.0
Tiny embedded real-time kernel
+ Collaboration diagram for Threads:


Thread API.



Thread priorities range from 0 to 255. Higher values are higher priorities, with 255 being the highest priority. Priority 0 is reserved for the idle thread. The highest priority thread that is ready to run will always get the processor. That means that if there is only one high priority thread, it can starve lower priority threads if it never relinquishes control by sleeping or blocking on a resource. Threads with the same priority will preempt each other in a round robin order every system tick.

Encapsulated thread classes

If you want to fully encapsulate a thread you can create a subclass of Thread that provides its own init() method which calls the original Thread::init(). You can either pass a pointer to a static function to the base init() method, as usual, or you can override the virtual Thread::threadEntry() method. In the latter case, you can simply pass NULL for the entry point to the base init() method. To pass values to the thread function, simply create member variables and set them in your subclass' init() method.Here's an example subclass that uses a member function as the entry point:

class MySubclassThread : public Ar::Thread
// Pass NULL for the entry point. It's not needed because you are
// overriding threadEntry() below.
return Thread::init("my thread", NULL, this, m_stack, sizeof(m_stack), 32);
// Static memory for the stack.
uint8_t m_stack[4096];
// Override the default Thread implementation.
virtual void threadEntry()
// Implement your thread here.


struct  ar_thread_t
 Thread. More...
struct  ar_thread_status_t
 Current status of a thread. More...
class  Ar::Thread
 Preemptive thread class. More...
class  Ar::ThreadWithStack< S >
 Template to create a thread and its stack. More...


enum  _ar_thread_priorities {
 Range of priorities for threads. More...
enum  ar_thread_state_t {
 Potential thread states. More...

Function types

typedef void(* ar_thread_entry_t) (void *param)
 Prototype for the thread entry point. More...


ar_status_t ar_thread_create (ar_thread_t *thread, const char *name, ar_thread_entry_t entry, void *param, void *stack, unsigned stackSize, uint8_t priority, bool startImmediately)
 Create a new thread. More...
ar_status_t ar_thread_delete (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Delete a thread. More...
ar_status_t ar_thread_suspend (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Put thread in suspended state. More...
ar_status_t ar_thread_resume (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Make the thread eligible for execution. More...
ar_thread_state_t ar_thread_get_state (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Return the current state of the thread. More...
uint8_t ar_thread_get_priority (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Return the thread's current priority. More...
ar_status_t ar_thread_set_priority (ar_thread_t *thread, uint8_t newPriority)
 Change a thread's priority. More...
ar_thread_t * ar_thread_get_current (void)
 Returns the currently running thread object. More...
ar_runloop_t * ar_thread_get_runloop (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Get the runloop currently associated with the given thread. More...
void ar_thread_sleep (uint32_t milliseconds)
 Put the current thread to sleep for a certain amount of time. More...
void ar_thread_sleep_until (uint32_t wakeup)
 Put the current thread to sleep until a specific time. More...
const char * ar_thread_get_name (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Get the thread's name. More...
uint32_t ar_thread_get_load (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Get the amount of CPU time the thread is using. More...
uint32_t ar_thread_get_stack_used (ar_thread_t *thread)
 Get the maximum stack usage of the specified thread. More...
uint32_t ar_thread_get_report (ar_thread_status_t report[], uint32_t maxEntries)
 Get a report of all thread's status. More...

Class Documentation

◆ ar_thread_status_t

struct ar_thread_status_t
Class Members
uint32_t m_cpu Per mille CPU usage of the thread over the last sampling period, with a range of 1-1000.
uint32_t m_maxStackUsed Maximum number of bytes used in the thread's stack.
const char * m_name Thread's name.
uint32_t m_stackSize Total bytes allocated to the thread's stack.
ar_thread_state_t m_state Current thread state.
ar_thread_t * m_thread Pointer to the thread's structure.
uint32_t m_uniqueId Unique ID for this thread.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ar_thread_entry_t

typedef void(* ar_thread_entry_t) (void *param)

Prototype for the thread entry point.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _ar_thread_priorities

Range of priorities for threads.


The idle thread's priority. No other thread is allowed to have this priority.


Priority value for the lowest priority user thread.


Priority value for the highest priority user thread.

◆ ar_thread_state_t

Potential thread states.


Hopefully a thread is never in this state.


Thread is not eligible for execution.


Thread is eligible to be run.


The thread is currently running.


The thread is blocked on another object.


Thread is sleeping.


Thread has exited.

Function Documentation

◆ ar_thread_create()

ar_status_t ar_thread_create ( ar_thread_t *  thread,
const char *  name,
ar_thread_entry_t  entry,
void *  param,
void *  stack,
unsigned  stackSize,
uint8_t  priority,
bool  startImmediately 

Create a new thread.

The state of the new thread is determined by the startImmediately parameter. If true, the thread is created in the ready state. Otherwise, the thread is suspended when this function exits. In this case, to make it eligible for execution you must call the ar_thread_resume() function. When startImmediately is true, the new thread may start execution before this function returns.

threadPointer to the thread structure.
nameName of the thread. If NULL, the thread's name is set to an empty string.
entryThread entry point taking one parameter and returning void.
paramArbitrary pointer-sized value passed as the single parameter to the thread entry point.
stackPointer to the start of the thread's stack. This should be the stack's bottom, not it's top.
stackSizeNumber of bytes of stack space allocated to the thread. This value is added to stack to get the initial top of stack address.
priorityThread priority. The accepted range is 1 through 255. Priority 0 is reserved for the idle thread.
startImmediatelyWhether the new thread will start to run automatically. If false, the thread will be created in a suspended state. The constants kArStartThread and kArSuspendThread can be used to better document this parameter value.
kArSuccess The thread was initialised without error.

◆ ar_thread_delete()

ar_status_t ar_thread_delete ( ar_thread_t *  thread)

Delete a thread.

threadPointer to the thread structure.

◆ ar_thread_get_current()

ar_thread_t* ar_thread_get_current ( void  )

Returns the currently running thread object.

Pointer to the current thread's structure.

◆ ar_thread_get_load()

uint32_t ar_thread_get_load ( ar_thread_t *  thread)

Get the amount of CPU time the thread is using.

Thread CPU usage is computed once every second for all threads.

Per mille of CPU load for the given thread. Value is 0-1000.

◆ ar_thread_get_name()

const char* ar_thread_get_name ( ar_thread_t *  thread)

Get the thread's name.

Pointer to the name of the thread.

◆ ar_thread_get_priority()

uint8_t ar_thread_get_priority ( ar_thread_t *  thread)

Return the thread's current priority.

threadPointer to the thread structure.

◆ ar_thread_get_report()

uint32_t ar_thread_get_report ( ar_thread_status_t  report[],
uint32_t  maxEntries 

Get a report of all thread's status.

[out]Reportarray to be filled in.
maxEntriesMaximum number of thread status that can be placed into report.
Actual number of threads filled in to report.

◆ ar_thread_get_runloop()

ar_runloop_t* ar_thread_get_runloop ( ar_thread_t *  thread)

Get the runloop currently associated with the given thread.

Pointer to the runloop runnning on the thread, if there is one. If there is not an associated runloop, then NULL will be returned.

◆ ar_thread_get_stack_used()

uint32_t ar_thread_get_stack_used ( ar_thread_t *  thread)

Get the maximum stack usage of the specified thread.

threadThe thread to inspect.
Maximum number of bytes used in the thread's stack, rounded down to the nearest word. If the thread has overflowed its stack, then 0 will be returned.

◆ ar_thread_get_state()

ar_thread_state_t ar_thread_get_state ( ar_thread_t *  thread)

Return the current state of the thread.

threadPointer to the thread structure.

◆ ar_thread_resume()

ar_status_t ar_thread_resume ( ar_thread_t *  thread)

Make the thread eligible for execution.

If the thread being resumed has a higher priority than that of the current thread, the scheduler is called to immediately switch threads. In this case the thread being resumed will always become the new current thread. This is because the highest priority thread is always guaranteed to be running, meaning the calling thread was the previous highest priority thread.

Does not enter the scheduler if Ar is not running. Does nothing if the thread is already on the ready list.

threadPointer to the thread structure.

◆ ar_thread_set_priority()

ar_status_t ar_thread_set_priority ( ar_thread_t *  thread,
uint8_t  newPriority 

Change a thread's priority.

The scheduler is invoked after the priority is set so that the current thread can be changed to the one with the highest priority. The scheduler is invoked even if there is no new highest priority thread. In this case, control may switch to the next thread with the same priority, assuming there is one.

Does not enter the scheduler if Ar is not running.

threadPointer to the thread structure.
newPriorityThread priority level from 1 to 255, where lower numbers have a lower priority. Priority number 0 is not allowed because it is reserved for the idle thread.
Return values

◆ ar_thread_sleep()

void ar_thread_sleep ( uint32_t  milliseconds)

Put the current thread to sleep for a certain amount of time.

Does nothing if Ar is not running.

A sleeping thread can be woken early by calling ar_thread_resume().

millisecondsThe number of milliseconds to sleep the calling thread. A sleep time of 0 is ignored. If kArInfiniteTimeout is passed for the sleep time, the thread will simply be suspended.

◆ ar_thread_sleep_until()

void ar_thread_sleep_until ( uint32_t  wakeup)

Put the current thread to sleep until a specific time.

Does nothing if Ar is not running.

A sleeping thread can be woken early by calling ar_thread_resume().

wakeupThe wakeup time in milliseconds. If the time is not in the future, i.e., less than or equal to the current value returned by ar_get_millisecond_count(), then the sleep request is ignored.

◆ ar_thread_suspend()

ar_status_t ar_thread_suspend ( ar_thread_t *  thread)

Put thread in suspended state.

If this function is called from the current thread then the scheduler is entered immediately after putting the thread on the suspended list. Calling this function on another thread will not cause the scheduler to switch threads.

Does not enter the scheduler if the kernel is not running. Does nothing if the thread is already suspended.

threadPointer to the thread structure.